School Management
The management team has considerable experience in teaching and
administration of educational institutions in Botswana and internationally. The school Principal is Mrs N. Bakaya, who is an experienced
educator with many years of service in Botswana and other countries; while the
school's Managing Director is Mr. Gary M. Wills, a well known educator both in
the field of secondary education and Teacher Training.

He is the Managing Director of
Lavender Projects. Together with the LKC Rugby Manager, he has spearheaded the formation of the Canon Jaguars Rugby club. He has been on the forefront to promote both LKC and Jaguars
Rugby. As Managing Director he is responsible for authorizing all rugby
activities in the school. He works with the Rugby Manager to ensure that the
LKC & Jaguars Rugby Brand is successful. He will head the Tour party to
Wales between the 18th to the 29th of Feb 2016.

Mrs. Nilima Bakaya
The Principal of Livingstone College, she has created a conducive environment for the growth of rugby in the school. As an educationist par-excellence she understands the need to produce all-rounded students who excel both in academics as well as in co-curricular activities. Through her vision of equally developing mixed-ability students she has directly and indirectly been the driver of LKC Sport & in particular LKC Rugby success.